Coming up next:
Places for coaching
are available for February 2025
A new group will start on 7 February 2025

I invite you into a protected space where you can meet yourself. And get closer to your happiness step by step.

- a life that is vivid and powerful?
- a life in which YOU decide what is right and harmonious for YOU?
- a life that you shape according to your TRUE needs and desires?
- a fulfilled, happy and equal partnership?
- inspiring, appreciative relationships?
- a (professional) activity that is creative and meaningful to you?
- clarity and direction?
- more lightness and joy?
Our longings are the expression of our soul to bring what is not lived into life.
Freely adapted from Sabrina Fox
We are on this earth to express our essence. Our talents, our strengths and our destiny. I call it the soul. At the time of our birth, we carry everything within us. As we grow older, we often lose access to this knowledge. We develop according to external ideas. Often, we do things – usually over many years – that neither suit us nor make us happy. Only when we regain access to our soul – e.g. through the path of our longings – can we rediscover our true desires and needs and unfold the life that really suits us.
Regaining access to our soul power means setting in motion a comprehensive process of change. It includes saying goodbye to the old, no longer needed or limiting things in an appreciative way and letting them go to make room for the new. And it includes the recognition of our true wishes and dreams and their gradual implementation in our lives.
I have walked this path myself, at the beginning of which is COURAGE and at the end of which is HAPPINESS.
Courage is at the beginning of action, happiness at the end.

Heike Hildesheim
Graduate Teacher for Adult Education
Holistic Coach
Spiritual Life Coach